As a younger man I was told by an older gentleman to remember a couple of rules in investing. One, set your own rate of return and stick with it. Second, you never make money, or lose money, until you sell so don’t listen to the daily evaluations to count your profit or loss (remember rule 1). Thirdly, be patient and be certain about your decision when you make your decision. Finally, you invest in people first so know intimately who controls the company and your investment.
Several times I should have listened to those wise words, but sometimes it doesn’t work that way. The market is full of sad stories you never hear, but success stories you do hear being bragged all of the time.
So here we are today in the world of investing in Cannabis.
Cannabis has been sold for generations, but “legal sales” for a relatively short time. The system takes a bit of time to sort things out. What we may see are wild fluctuations come our way as a result. Governments make rules to flex their “control muscle” and others seek out ways to skirt the rules to make some extra bucks.
We read in the news about experiences whether in the Canadian experience and the experiences in the United States. Initial Public Offerings (“IPO”) abound with the visions of growth abounding. So is the vision of profit for investors and executives.
Recently, the dust is starting to settle in some of the cases.
New stories now come to light to show us the greed or the growing pains of an industry.
A story where a grower sold some “bad” product. Some mold or below grade buds was seen in a significant enough portion of sales made. Some have seen pieces of rubber gloves in their product being returned. All of these can be attributed to an emerging industry. These things will become less frequent over time.
Others have greed as the root. Some like the story where the Ontario government returns product to CannTrust. The firm was discovered to have some product which was grown in violation of Health Canada’s regulations. This could be a crushing blow to the shareholders.
The bad will always be caught. Now the FBI is attentive Cannabis summary. The mistakes will be corrected.